End of the World From "Kingdom Hearts"

Emmanuelle shine - most scale project in the world of monumental buildings [translated from Russian ]
Project-contender for the Guinness record for the two indicators:
- Quantity of domes - 223;
- Capacity of the temple to 55,000 people.
Special thanks to:
Man legend;
officer of Honor Legion;
samurai without a name;
and also:
s'Emmanuelle, Green Beret, Dashef, GRH, others, including 152M.
[from SAIG-f]
Особая благодарность:
офицеру Почетного Легиона;
самураю без имени;
а также:
с'Эммануэле, Зеленому Берету, Дашефу, ГРХ, другим, включая 152М.
[от САИГ-д] - Vasaria Project End of the World From "Kingdom Hearts"

Дата добавления: 2018-04-26

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Emmanuelle shine - most scale project in the world of monumental buildings
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