A Very Small Wish From "Kingdom Hearts"

Byzantine Music Orthodox - Hearts of Space #248 - Sacred Tre Trésors sacrés de Russie / Sacred Treasures from Russia
A very special holiday program of Russian choral music

< 0:00->1:20 >
Le Coeur des Moines de Chevotogne / Choir of the Monks of Chevotogne :
Dormition de la Mere de Dieu.

< 1:20->4:57 >
Quatuor Vocal Russe de Nice :
O Dieu Sauve Ton peuple et Benis ton Heritage; Vigiles 12 15.78

< 4:57->6:34 >
Washington Cathedral Choir :
Russian Choral Music.

< 6:34->10:23 >
The Glinka Choir :
A Collection of Sacred Russian Choral Mu - Vasaria Project A Very Small Wish From "Kingdom Hearts"

Дата добавления: 2018-04-26

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Byzantine Music Orthodox - Hearts of Space #248 - Sacred Tre
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