Mountain Ruins Overflowing with Passion for History

Святоотеческий кружок - новый просветительский проект, который организован в Волгограде. June 1, 2017 regular meeting in the framework of the educational project for the laity of Volgograd. This time the theme of the meeting was humility. Leading was Archpriest Valentin Skrypnikov, rector of the Church of St. innocent of Moscow the city of Volgograd.

Such educational meetings were first held in the fall of 2016 Then with the support of the Youth Department of the diocese of Volgograd on the basis of the Tsaritsyn Orthodox University, located at the Holy Spirit monastery in Volgograd. The first class was held Zlobin, Maxim. He – Volgograd, who studies in postgraduate study of the Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy, and for a long time engaged in educational activities in his hometown.

Here is what he says about this project. "The idea was born quite a long time, about 2 years ago when we first discussed it with Cartagenas Mary, an employee of the Youth Department of the diocese. Then, in the summer of 2016, O. Vyacheslav Patrin has blessed our undertaking and in the fall we started to work. The original name of the project – Patristic circle. The main idea of the club is to introduce modern people to the ancient but timeless Tradition of the Orthodox Church. I would like to convey to the maximum number of people for this idea: the Tradition of the Church is not archaic, but this eternal present, this is what you need man is always, without which he cannot be happy and joyful, without which life ceases to be meaningful and full. After the Legend with the man Himself says God, the Creator of the Universe and our loving Father! The tradition of the Church is not a set of prohibitions and punishments, and the story of God about how the world works and the man himself. It is the recommendation of our Creator regarding how we need to live in order to have contact with Him, to become like Him in your life and receive His grace – the divine energy, through which only people in all ages can find the real eternal and not illusory happiness. Not having God's grace, man is doomed to constant suffering and agony, and we see evidence of this all around us.

Today people have more wealth than ever in history, however, they suffer from a chronic dissatisfaction with their life, suffer from depression, fall into slavery of the passions, that in worldly language is often called bad habits. The Church encourages us all to break the circle of dependence on passions and establish contact with Christ the living God. It is through this contact we understand the deepest meaning of life, be truly happy, experience the joy of learning to love God and the people around us. This is what our Holy Fathers club. In it we tell about the experience of the Holy Fathers, who through living the tradition of the Church, founded on three pillars – prayer, the fulfillment of God's commandments and the sacraments of the Church, could cleanse their souls and to make contact with the living God, with Christ and receive His grace. At all times there is nothing more relevant and joyful fellowship with God! At all times possible. How this can be achieved now – this is just trying to tell in my classes.

In this one, 2017, the year in training joined O. Valentin Skrypnikov, which is more about a basic understanding of the problems of Orthodoxy modern humans. Also meetings in addition to the Youth Department today, there are Orthodox businessman and missionary Ananin Nikolay and managing the Affairs of the Volgograd business Institute Lukas Anton.

Now we think about the fact that on the basis of our Patristic mug to make a new project with wider involvement belozerkovsky or even a secular audience. This is to ensure that as more people learned about the real Christianity and not assimilate those fairy tales and fables, and often slander and lies, which, unfortunately, recently poured on our faith by representatives of many media.

Real Christianity is an experience of life in God, the experience of finding love for God and people, and experience love in return from God and the people around us. And what could be happier than to love and be loved? Especially if we're talking about eternal love, which is not afraid of death?! Isn't this is true happiness at all times and for all people?"

Come upon You, God's grace!

The parish of St. John of Kronstadt, the Wonderworker. Volgograd. Russia.

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Дата добавления: 2018-03-16

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Святоотеческий кружок - новый просветительский проект, который организован в Волгограде.
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