White Light German

Jack London - South Sea Tales [ Stories. Pat Bottino ] Warning!

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Book title: South Sea Tales
The author's surname: London
The author's name: Jack
Performer: Pat Bottino
Language: English
Publishing house: Alpha DVD LLC

Genre: Adventure, Short Story Collection, Tales,

Playing time: 05:47:10


- The House of Mapuhi

- The Whale Tooth [ 01:00:36 ]

- Mauki [ 01:25:54 ]

- Yah! Yah! Yah! [ 02:06:34 ]

- The Heathen [ 02:39:03 ]

- The Terrible Solomons [ 03:29:38 ]

- The Inevitable White Man [ 04:07:03 ]

- The Seed of McCoy [ 04:32:52 ]


Most readers are familiar with Jack London's stories of the frozen northland, such as White Fang and To Light a Fire, but many critics feel he should be equally acknowledged for his fascinating stories of the South Pacific. Here is another remote corner of the world, a background for his magnificently colorful and entertaining Tales of the South Pacific. London is able to pierce the stereotype of his era concerning the "Noble Savage" and present the people who lived on these exotic islands as individuals who had to deal with the white man's intrusions, the racism, foreign diseases, biased legal systems, and brutality. These stories are based on the themes Jack London considered most important: race, culture, justice, and heroism.

Рассказы южных морей - «Визитная карточка» Джека Лондона – приключения отважных золотоискателей на Аляске; однако, цикл его рассказов о Южных Морях – это не менее захватывающие истории о человеческом мужестве, стойкости и, конечно же, любви. Где еще узнаешь о чувствах любимой женщины, как не в чудовищном прибое Канака? А жестокость бездушной красавицы ярче всего проявится именно в море, под палубным тентом. И ни что иное как ночь на тропическом острове Гобото даст понять, имеешь ли ты право считаться настоящим мужчиной.
- [Tales of Zestiria OP] BatterVoice White Light German

Дата добавления: 2018-01-03

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Jack London - South Sea Tales [ Stories. Pat Bottino ]
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