In the struggle that I'm living in, in any giving day, I say to myself "Quit your dead end job you 9 to 5 puppet, slave by the system you've created, Don't doubt your own hustle, you can do whatever you put your mind into, But it's

Any Given Day Ft Abdel Fatah El Greeny & Mona Amarsha - Qusai Audio - Qusai feat Mona Amarsha & Abdelfattah Grini In the struggle that I'm living in, in any giving day, I say to myself "Quit your dead end job you 9 to 5 puppet, slave by the system you've created, Don't doubt your own hustle, you can do whatever you put your mind into, But it's

Дата добавления: 2019-01-07

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Any Given Day (Ft Abdel Fatah El Greeny & Mona Amarsha) - Qusai (Audio)
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