What's Your Poison? Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

The Prodigy - Poison "Poison" is a song by The Prodigy, released as the group's ninth single on 6 March 1995. It was the fourth single from the album Music for the Jilted Generation. Maxim Reality provides the vocals for this track.
The drums in the song are samples from "It's a New Day" by Skull Snaps, "Amen Brother" by The Winstons, "Heavy Soul Slinger" by Bernard Purdie, and "Hang Down Your Head, Tom Dooley, Your Tie's Caught" by Incredible Bongo Band.
The music video was directed by Walter Stern. The band ... - Ivan Hakštok, Sixto Sounds What's Your Poison? Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

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The Prodigy - Poison
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