Headquarters Briefing
Whitney Vandell - A Brief History of a Composer, Producer , Performer
Whitney Vandell’s debut record takes its namesake from that same title, one that has been hard-earned by Vandell over years of intense work. The African-native instrumentalist has released one of the more intriguing and eclectic instrumental records thus far this year on the indie scene. What makes the ‘One-Girl Symphony’ so interesting is Vandell’s hand over a vast array of genres. The record style-hops with ridiculous tact, shifting from classical influences to rock and roll and blues in seamless movements. Speaking of which, there actually are movements. Her debut album is broken into four autobiographical sections of three songs each: Teenage Turbulence, The Formative Years, Return to Innocence & Hope, and Empty Promises to Broken Hearts. - Return to Castle Wolfenstein-ID Software Headquarters Briefing
Дата добавления: 2018-01-04
Рейтинг : 0
Просмотров: 895
Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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Whitney Vandell - A Brief History of a Composer, Producer , Performer
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