Legal Street Racing Redline

Oxen abuse during the traditional Race at Chieuti, Italy in St. George Festival On April 22nd, the second day of the St. George Festival, in Chieuti, Italy, a traditional – oxen race is conducted between the town’s 4 districts. Each races with a wagon weighing over 200kg, which is carried by two oxen for 3 miles, accompanied by a dozen "humane spurs" on horsebacks, from the countryside to the main streets.

In the end of this intensive and stressful race, which takes place in the heat of midday with constant beating by the riders and constant shouting by the crowd, the oxen are sore and hurt. They bleed from the nose because humans aggressively pull a ring attached to it before and during the race and they bleed from the hips because of all the spiking. The horses are also injured from this aggressive race and both are totally exhausted. - C.D.N. and Dramaties Legal Street Racing Redline

Дата добавления: 2018-04-27

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Oxen abuse during the traditional Race at Chieuti, Italy in St. George Festival
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