One More Soul To The Call OST Silent Hill 5 - Homecoming

John Angelina: the professional hippocrite and his decadence From left to right: Kirchenrat Bernhard Wolf, Kirchenrat Dr. Wolfgang Behnk leading state-church officials, Pfarrer Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack lutheran priest, John Angelina, Stephan Steinle

Cult-priest Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack, direct successor of SS-Heinrich Himmler, agitates with destructive frenzy against the faith movement and the “Word of Faith“ Christian Center, founded in Munich in 1982 by John and Mirjana Angelina.
His direct successor, state-church official Dr. Wolfgang Behnk, increases the pressure. His plan succeeds: John Angelina and Stephan Steinle now dance to the tune of the state churches. In order to be accepted into the Evangelical Alliance, John Angelina and Stephan Steinle dissociate from the Word of Faith teaching and, with full conviction, distance themselves from Kenneth E. Hagin. In 1996, they once and for all abandon the title “Word of Faith“. From now on, they call themselves Gospel Life Center Munich. At the same time, the defamation of the work of the Holy Spirit, of the anointing, joy and laughing in the Spirit and speaking in new tongues increases massively.
Angelina and Steinle then go on to deny the anointing and the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of faith preachers such as Rodney Howard-Browne, Benny Hinn, Kenneth E. Hagin, Mark Brazee, Steve Hill, in the Brownsville Revival, etc.


What remains? John Angelina has lost the anointing and has mutated into a "Pfarrer" the German term for a lutheran instead. He maintains good relations with the cult commissioners, is a member of the Evangelical Alliance in Munich and enjoys being a guest member of the Catholic Church. The moral apostasy in Munich’s Gospel Live Center is atrocious! John Angelina has emerged as a professional coward and traitor of the Word of God who seeks to be acknowledged by the decadent religious leaders of Germany.

He, along with Peter Wenz and Wolfhard Margies, has actively contributed to the horrible corruption of the Body of Christ in Germany. In spite of being at odds with each other and not thinking much of one another, they pursued a common goal: to eliminate those whom they could not manipulate and to get rid of those who - so they feared - could be in their way.


Now, more than 20 years later, they have defiled the scene and lead thousands of people astray. Here they are now, trying to secure their pensions by favoritism and to get their children into “offices“ in the religious circles of the German-speaking countries. One hand washes the other.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Akira Yamaoka feat. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn One More Soul To The Call OST Silent Hill 5 - Homecoming

Дата добавления: 2018-01-03

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John Angelina: the professional hippocrite and his decadence
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