Symphony Of War

One Girl Symphony Full Album & Film

A Brief History of One Girl Symphony:
The 45-minute rock symphony combines the best of pop, rock, blues and classical styles, accompanied by an artistic film by Whitney Vandell including special effects, time-lapse scenery and high definition slow motion videos that sync to the music.

Completed over a period spanning several years, the rock symphony was completed with violinists, cellists and horn players from around the world recording the parts in an online collaboration orchestrated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The production has since brought together various constellations of world-class instrumentalists giving their interpretation of the symphony performed on stages across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East while the film is projected simultaneously as a backdrop on stage to immerse the audience into the music. - World Of Guns Symphony Of War

Дата добавления: 2018-03-06

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One Girl Symphony (Full Album & Film)
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