By the Throat KF 2Killing Floor 2

22nd Sep 2015, school hit by coalition airstrike in Yemen killing a teacher and his 2 sons On 22nd September 2015, the Saudi led coalition airstrikes hit Abdullah Al-Wazir School in Bani Hushish district of Sana'a Governorate. A total of four bombs were dropped, 3 hitting inside the school and the other just outside, killing 3 civilians including 2 children, and injuring 2 people including a woman and a child. All the victims were from the same family. The repeated airstrikes hindered rescue attempts.

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- Zynthetic By the Throat KF 2Killing Floor 2

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12

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22nd Sep 2015, school hit by coalition airstrike in Yemen killing a teacher and his 2 sons
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