Corn Boss Castle Crashers OST
Sir P.G. Wodehouse - Blandings Castle [ Humour, comedy. Audioperformance ] Extension:
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Sir P.G. Wodehouse - Blandings Castle [ Humour, comedy. Audioperformance ]
П. Г. Вудхаус - Замок Бландингс [ Юмор, комедия. Аудиоспектакль ]
The author's surname: Wodehouse
The author's name: Pelham Grenville
Performer: Richard Vernon & cast
Language: British English
Publishing house: Not published on physical media. BBC Auditions / Audioperformance
Genre: Humour & comedy
Playing time: 03:09:52
Blandings Castle is a recurring fictional location in the stories of British comic writer P. G. Wodehouse, being the seat of Lord Emsworth Clarence Threepwood, 9th Earl of Emsworth, home to many of his family and the setting for numerous tales and adventures. The stories were written between 1915 and 1975.
The series of stories taking place at the castle, in its environs and involving its denizens have come to be known as the "Blandings books", or indeed, in a phrase used by Wodehouse in his preface to the 1969 reprint of the first book, "the Blandings Castle Saga".[1]
In a radio broadcast on 15 July 1961, Evelyn Waugh said: "The gardens of Blandings Castle are that original garden from which we are all exiled.
Content / Episode:
1. The custody of the pumpkin
2. Lord Emsworth grows a beard [ 27:13 ]
3. Pig-hoo-o-o-o-ey [ 54:24 ]
4. Company for Gertrude [ 01:22:26 ]
5. Lord Emsworth and the girlfriend [ 01:49:25 ]
6. The Crime wave at Blandings in two parts [ 02:16:28 ]
Краткое содержание:
Очередное чудесное лето в Замке Бландингс, где его обитатели занимаются привычными для себя делами – лорд Эмсворс выращивает гигантскую выставочную тыкву, радуется своим грядкам и клумбам, заботится об Императрице замка Бландингс – призовой свинье невероятных размеров. Однако спокойной жизни, конечно же, не получается – лорда «достают» многочисленные племянницы и племянники, его сестра леди Констанция Кибл, собственный сын Фредди и друзья сына. То садовник уволился, то свинарь попал в тюрьму, то объявился однажды уже уволенный Руперт Бакстер…
Roles performed:
in brackets - the episode number:
Lord Emsworth - Richard Vernon
Beach - Lockwood West
Lady Constance - Margot Boyd
The Hon Frederick Threepwood - Steve Hodson
Narrator - Nigel Anthony
Aggie Threepwood - Fiona Mathieson 2
Angela - Diana Martin 3
George - Elizabeth Proud 6
Gertrude - Wendy Murray 4
Gladys - Susanna Dawson 5
James Belford - Edward Duke 3
Jane - Helen Atkinson Wood 6
Jane Yorke - Valerie Colgan 2
Lady Marshall - Sheila Keith 4
Lord Heackam - Nigel Anthony 3
Magistrate - Peter Tuddenham 3
McAllister - Henry Stamper 1
Mr Donaldson - Michael Golide 1
Mrs Tremlow - Phillada Sewell 2
The Rev Rupert BeefyBingham - Nlcholas Courtney 4
Mr Baxter - Michael McClain 6
Auditions BBC about Blandings Castle:
Something Fresh
Leave it to Psmith
Summer lightning
Heavy weather - Will Stamper? Corn Boss Castle Crashers OST
Дата добавления: 2018-01-13
Рейтинг : 0
Просмотров: 749
Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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Sir P.G. Wodehouse - Blandings Castle [ Humour, comedy. Audioperformance ]
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