One More Line

21 Foot Rule Less Talk and More action compiled and shortened - YouTube It is one thing to read about the 21 foot rule, it is another to actually see it done. Many times people think that they will shoot as well under stress as they do at the range. Usually not the case. I wanted people to better visualize the Tueller Drill and 21 foot rule.Contact us for demos, your officers might take the 21 foot rule more seriously. The 21 foot rule states that the average person with a bladed weapon can run and cut you in about the same amount of time that the average person can draw and shoot a gun. Demonstrates that bladed weapons are very dangerous especially against cardboard targets. Please do not try this at home. For demonstration purposes only. - Under the Mountain One More Line

Дата добавления: 2018-01-12

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21 Foot Rule Less Talk and More action (compiled and shortened) - YouTube
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