Artifice варкрафт
Boston - More than a feeling 1976 Boston - More than a feeling 1976
I looked out this morning and the sun was gone
Turned on some music to start ***
I lost myself in a familiar song
I closed my eyes and I slipped away
Its more than a feeling, when I hear that old song they used to play more than a feeling
I begin dreaming more than a feeling
till I see marianne walk away
I see my marianne walkin away
So many people have come and gone
Their faces fade as the years go by
Yet I still recall as I wander on
As clear as the sun - Twelve Titans Music More Than Human Artifice варкрафт
Дата добавления: 2018-05-05
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Просмотров: 638
Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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Boston - More than a feeling 1976
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