Hope In The East
1st May 2015, seven homes destroyed in Al Shaab, Sawan, Yemen, killing 17. 18+ On 1st May 2015 Saudi led coalition air strikes targeted Al Shaab, a residential area in Sawan, east of Sanaa, Yemen. Seven houses were totally destroyed burying families in their beds. 17 people were killed, including 7 women, 6 children, and injuring 17 more. There are no military installations in or near to this neighbourhood.
WARNING, this video is GRAPHIC and DISTRESSING. It is put here as evidence to support the call for an independent inquiry into war crimes and to call on the West to stop supplying arms to Saudi Arabia. - Total War Attila Gamerip Hope In The East
Дата добавления: 2018-05-18
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1st May 2015, seven homes destroyed in Al Shaab, Sawan, Yemen, killing 17. 18+
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