Alone in the Dark 4 The New Nighare ost-ldu - 22 Decv Plnet 13-16k

Lincoln in the Bardo - A Novel - Amazon Books Lincoln in the Bardo: A Novel. Visit this link and buy it today on Amazon:

The fascinating first novel by the very popular, National Book Award nominee George Saunders, about Abraham Lincoln and the death of his eleven year old son, Willie, at the dawn of the Civil War.

On February 22, 1862, two days after his death, Willie Lincoln was put to rest in a marble crypt in a Georgetown cemetery. That really night, shattered by sorrow, Abraham Lincoln comes to the cemetery under cover of darkness and visits the crypt, alone, to hang out with his boy’s body.

Set over the course of that one night and occupied by ghosts of the just recently passed and the long dead, Lincoln in the Bardo is a thrilling expedition of death, sorrow, the powers of excellent and evil, a novel – in its type and voice – completely unlike anything you have read previously. It is also, in the end, an expedition of the much deeper meaning and possibilities of life, composed as just George Saunders can: with humor, pathos, and grace.

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- Thierry Th Desseaux Alone in the Dark 4 The New Nighare ost-ldu - 22 Decv Plnet 13-16k

Дата добавления: 2017-10-15

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Lincoln in the Bardo - A Novel - Amazon Books
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