геометрические фигуры

Vader's Choking Love song Удушающая любовь Лорда Вейдера Creation of this montage was based on Max Martin's song «Oops! … I Did It Again» performed by Max Raabe. Video-picture was also based on video-collages by DRMMRI14 and Japan Pacific League Baseball included small fragments of The Star Wars film, which is owned by Fox company and George Lucas. An idea to creation of this fusion belongs to G.D.V.
Key words: Oops, I Did It Again, Vader's Choking, Star Wars, Max Raabe remix, Лорд Вейдер, Звёздные воины, пародия - the shape song - a triangle - a rectangle - an oval - a star геометрические фигуры

Дата добавления: 2017-11-21

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Просмотров: 737

Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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Vader's Choking Love song (Удушающая любовь Лорда Вейдера)
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