Out Of The Frying Pan

Gerald Fried - The Code 1969 Music clips culled from the season 4 episode "The Code" 1969 of "Mission: Impossible" in which IMF agent Paris actor Leonard Nimoy, posing as the legendary guerrilla El Lider, is sent to the Central America country called Nueva Tierra to meet Presidente Vicente Bravo actor Harold Gould and his UPR associate agent Nikor Janos actor Michael Constantine in order to stall them and turn against each other so that three IMF agents manage to get a code that is designed to trigger the invasion of the neighboring country called San Cristobal.

Composer Gerald Fried writes an outrageous folklo-Latin score dominated by a flute, a trumpet, a bongo, a drum, a guiro and a hip use of the harpsichord a la "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.". - The Saboteur Out Of The Frying Pan

Дата добавления: 2018-03-10

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Gerald Fried - The Code (1969)
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