Blue Rumba

Балет "Хрома" Chroma Уэйна Макгрегора The Royal Ballet Фрагмент современного балета "Хрома" хореографа Уэйна Макгрегора. Лаура Морера Laura Morera и Эрик Андервуд Eric Underwood танцуют под "The Hardest Button to Button" группы The White Stripes в оркестровой вариации.

Wayne McGregor's Chroma explores the drama of the human body and its ability to communicate extremes of thought and emotion. The score, drawn from original music by Joby Talbot and his arrangements of music by American rock band The White Stripes, is combined with stark, minimalist designs by architect John Pawson. Against this backdrop is set the inventive and energy-driven choreography of McGregor. Chroma had its premiere in 2006 at the Royal Opera House and in 2007 received an Olivier Award for Best New Dance Production. - The Royal Trap Blue Rumba

Дата добавления: 2018-01-13

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Балет "Хрома" (Chroma) Уэйна Макгрегора (The Royal Ballet)
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