can't live in a living room

Laser cutting of ETTLIN lux® fabric - eurolaser The perfect symbiosis of functionality and design
New light technical fabric ETTLIN lux® in a laser test

ETTLIN lux® is a completely new light technical material that interacts with LED lights. If LED lights are shone through the high-tech material, the observer will see fascinating three-dimensional luminous structures. The fabric, which has already won multiple awards since being brought onto the market, is available in many different types with different optical characteristics and material properties. As a result, it is possible to create effects which vary in intensity, length, brightness, form and depth. Flame retardant, UV resistant and weather resistant varieties are also available. eurolaser has tested various types of the special material for its laser cutting behaviour and on the basis of this we would now like to present to you two materials:

Smart Glas solution for architecture and design
In the case of ETTLIN lux® Smart Glas, the three-dimensional light effects are created by embedding a light technical fabric into laminated glass Float glass or tempered safety glass. The special effect glass that this creates can be processed like standard laminated glass, and is available in custom sizes. Pre-coloured Smart Glas varieties and different fabrics with the different effects clear, diffuse, colourful and extra long, open up additional room for designers to experiment. The material is suitable for indoor and outdoor use, as well as for the production of insulating glass.

Possible areas of application
The possible applications for the new Smart Glas solution are almost unlimited. Here are a few examples which illustrate the creative potential of the new material for architecture and design:

-In living areas furniture, objects, room dividers and surfaces made of ETTLIN lux® Smart Glas become an integral part of the lighting concept
-Kitchens are improved both optically and functionally by the material, either used as a complete covering for the back wall, or as a splash guard behind the sink or hob
-In restaurants and hotels the illuminations create a prestigious feel, in shops and exhibition rooms, in showrooms and on trade fair stands they create eye-catching features
-Thanks to the three-dimensional effect low and narrow rooms appear much more spacious

- the man with two faces can't live in a living room

Дата добавления: 2017-10-19

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Laser cutting of ETTLIN lux® fabric - eurolaser
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