Convicted JW Pedophile Waymon Chandler Ivery BUSTED ON CAMERA Jehovah's convicted child rapist Waymon Ivery raped his 8 year old stepdaughter and is now going door to door in Colorado Springs, Colorado, preaching the bible, telling you that if you don't become a Jehovah's Witness like him, you're doomed to die at Armageddon. Jehovah's WItnesses have a 2 witness rule, demanding victims of child sexual abuse to produce 2 adult eye witnesses to the abuse before even acknowledging it. They DO NOT report to police, however they do keep meticulous records and have a secret internal Pedophile database they refuse to hand over to police. They send these people to your front door and here's proof. #Waymon #Ivery #WaymonIvery #jehovahswitnesses #Pedophilia #JWorg #Watchtower #colorado #coloradosprings
Here is KOAA News 5 reporting on him
#OpPedoHunter #OPDeatheaterUS #OPJW #Anonymous
Here is his sex offender registry with his home address
- The Hidden Cameras Doom
Дата добавления: 2017-10-12
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Convicted JW Pedophile Waymon Chandler Ivery BUSTED ON CAMERA
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