Dead and Gone Ghost Recon Future Soldier
T.I. Feat. Justin Timberlake - Dead And Gone Chorus:
Justin Timberlake:
I've been travelin
on this road to long
Just trying to find
my way back home
The old me
is dead and gone
dead and gone
I've been travelin
on this road to long
Just trying to find
my way back home
The old me
is dead and gone
dead and gone
Ever had one of dem days
u wish woulda stayd home
Run into a group of niggas
getting they hate on
U walk by
they get wrong u reply
then shit get blown
Way outta proportion
way... - Teamheadkick Dead and Gone Ghost Recon Future Soldier
Дата добавления: 2018-04-13
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Просмотров: 879
Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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