Легенда cut ver. Rap-Info.Com

Sublimation fashion apparel cutting by Unikonex Laser cutting is very popular for the dye sublimation digital printing industry right now in worldwide,thanks for the latest technology of contour & pattern cutting and camera recognition.

Contour and pattern Cut by our dedicated technology, automates the process of cutting out printed pieces of fabric or textile both quickly and accurately, automatically compensating for any distortions or stretches that occur in unstable or stretchy textiles – Exactly the type of fabrics that are used in fashion apparel, sportswear, flag, banners, label, signs etc.

Digital printed material is automatically unrolled and transported onto the laser cutting machine using our automatic feed conveyor.

For more information, please contact [email protected]; or visit ; - Та | Сторона Легенда cut ver. Rap-Info.Com

Дата добавления: 2017-10-24

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Sublimation fashion apparel cutting by Unikonex
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