Think Of My Love

Forget My Silence - Virtual Privacy Official Music Video Ссылки для загрузки :
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there is a virtual world on which many depends
captures people ,kills thoughts and enslaves souls
no matter how smart , no matter how on fire
you'll end up fucked-up and everything you'll loose

you're very smart , you have a job , you're loved
you have your own virtual life
in which you feel secured
but only you it destroy’s
Another pair of eyes, they are from real life, watching you, they have jealousy. your peaceful life came to an end
Your life came to an end
the virtual world around you
will bring you down , down to your knees
betrayed , lost and confused
abandoned by those once called friends
by the virtual world you have been used

you save my life
i think about you
all the time

Produced by: Cameron Mizell -
Director/DOP/editor/colorist: Kirill Osminin -

Forget My Silence:

- Surreal Outlaws Think Of My Love

Дата добавления: 2017-10-20

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Просмотров: 741

Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 9.83 MB
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Forget My Silence - Virtual Privacy (Official Music Video)
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