This is not my world
Can I divorce my spouse without using an attorney? Visit us: Call: 813-616-3557
Often times we are asked the question, “Can I divorce my spouse without using an attorney?”
The answer to the question is yes. Everyone has the right to seek relief in court without the assistance of an attorney. This includes getting a divorce. A better question than can you get a divorce without using an attorney is should you get a divorce without using an attorney?
The answer to that question is usually no. A divorce can be one of the most impactful, financial and personal moments in your life. A divorce agreement will determine your property rights to your current assets. The divorce may determine whether you receive or have to pay alimony. If you have children with your spouse, the divorce will determine your custody rights and child support.
With so many important decisions that are made in a divorce and the potential consequences of signing an unfavorable agreement or receiving an unfavorable decision in court, it makes no sense to go into the process without the benefit of an attorney who can assist you. In all legal matters it is much simpler to get things done right the first time than to try and change them later. Changing a divorce decree after the fact is not easy, so you will want an experienced divorce attorney to make sure that you get it right the first time.
For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation contact us at:
Tampa Bay Divorce Attorney
All Family Law Group
511 West Bay Street Suite 450
Tampa, Florida 33606 - Street of Rage This is not my world
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Can I divorce my spouse without using an attorney?
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