Age of Empires 2 The Forgotten Empires Main Theme
@AMIR.WATCHES : Nomadic Empires Collection ••• UNE MONTRE INSPIRÉE PAR LES YOURTES DU KAZAKHSTAN en français ci-après
•••• For over 3000 years, the Sun has turned on the Nomadic Empires, home to some of the greatest civilizations history has known. Through waves of rise and fall, these historical Empires connected and ruled the East and West throughout history. We pay tribute to these empires today with the Nomadic Empire collection - heritage timepieces that are the modern reincarnation of a tradition passed Father to Son for millennia.
At the heart of each timepiece is the Shanyrak {Shah-nee-rahk], a timeless symbol of home, hearth, and heritage. For millennia, the empires that ruled the known world housed their people in yurts, mobile dwellings for noble emissaries and mercenaries alike.
At the vertex of the yurt is the Shanyrak, the cross piece structure that held the building together, and let the dweller view the sky.
While every other part of the yurt would be replaced over time, the Shanyrak was eternal. Passed from Father to Son through the turning of generations, a family’s heritage was measured by the “vintage” of their Shanyrak, aged over the family fire for countless decades. Traditionally, when the first-born son came of age and became responsible for his family, his Father would pass him the Shanyrak, symbolizing both trust in the next generation and the responsibility the Son now defended.
The Nomadic Empire collection represents our passion to expose this tradition to the modern age. Through the rise and fall of empires, the symbolism of the Shanyrak remains. We invite you to join this tradition, and to pass a symbol of your hearth for generations on.
•••• AMIR WATCHES Etats-Unis + Kazakhstan : près de 150 000 dollars souscrits auprès de 600 amateurs sur Kickstarter pour la « montre des steppes » Nomadic Empires Watch collection imaginé par un créateur venu du Kazakhstan ci-dessus, avec un projet de montre en titane dont le cadran reprend le dessin de la voûte des yourtes qui parsèment depuis des millénaires les immensités des steppes de l’Asie centrale ci-dessous. Amir LTD se présente comme le « premier horloger du Kazakhstan »…
•••• POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS / MORE : - Stephen Rippy Age of Empires 2 The Forgotten Empires Main Theme
Дата добавления: 2018-07-19
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Просмотров: 659
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