Outside the lines of real life

crown capital save the earth management The Daily Mail uncovers those dastardly scientists have been pulling the wool over our eyes for years and actually the planet's A/C is set to cool. Don't take their word for it, here's a graph so you know they've got their science shit together.
Irrefutable eh? Look at the "Heavy Black Line" it's close to the edge of the 95% confidence interval. This surely means that - sometime in the future - it'll fall outside of that and we can all start filling up the Land Rover with leaded four star and piping the fumes directly into kitten's lungs. No harm, no foul - the graph says they'll be fine.
Let's think about it though what it's saying in the real world is that there's a 5% chance any data point could fall outside that range. Five points in every hundred will be above or below the light red area. - Sr.Tuner Outside the lines of real life

Дата добавления: 2017-10-16

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crown capital save the earth management
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