A Decision is Made

@REBELTIMEBK : Fusing function with a masculine style ••• UNE PLONGEUSE SWISS MADE VIRILE ET MUSCLÉE en français ci-après

•••• REBEL stands for quality, relentless innovation, and unique craft.
Fusing function with a masculine style, the Rebel is a worthy companion for the bold one living on the edge - a reflection of the Rebel man's soul.
Never relenting, we created a limited-edition - an exclusive timepiece - which speaks to the drive inside all of us. Distinctly eye-catching, we made sure Rebel is deceptively practical and up to Swiss standards with the benefit of attainability. Triumph goes to the explorer and the trailblazer, though it never looked so clean.
The rebel man knows his purpose. His unrelenting drive and bold self-expression are exactly what makes him so irresistibly alluring, to inspire a bold and creative lifestyle - for both urban dwellers as well as for those who heed the call of the wild. Let your new companion bring out what makes you uniquely Rebel.
At times, we all deal with self-doubt, yet the Rebel lives on. Strong, confident and daring, he makes every moment count. What kind of REBEL are you wearing today?

❑❑❑❑ REBEL : 80 000 dollars souscrits à mi-campagne sur Kickstarter, c’est plutôt très encourageant pour un projet américain de montre Aquafin Diver virile et « musclée », qui compile avec habileté tous les détails qui percutent dans les montres des grandes marques double couronne, contraste couleur vive-noir de l’habillage, motif guilloché du cadran, mouvement automatique suisse, boîtier en 42 mm, etc.. - Splinter Cell Double Agent A Decision is Made

Дата добавления: 2018-01-04

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@REBELTIMEBK : Fusing function with a masculine style ••• UNE PLONGEUSE SWISS MADE VIRILE ET MUSCLÉE
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