Fear of the unknown - Wrong Way To Salvation 2008 Heavy symphonic metal/Finland
Turku town library, Finland. This is Vaski library, in Turku, Finland. Nice place to study.
Turku Main Library
Mon-Fri 9-20 the Children and Youth Department 10-20
Sat 10-16
Sun 12-18
The Turku Main Library Linnankatu 2 comprises the new section completed in 2007 and the old library building that was completely renovated in 2008. The individual buildings together form an architectonically powerful whole with a modern character which is also manifest in the interior.
As the busiest library in Finland, the Turku Main Library provides its customers with a wide and varied collection of library materials in both printed and electronic form. The collections are complemented by the various exhibitions and events organized every day at library.
- Silentrain Fear of the unknown - Wrong Way To Salvation 2008 Heavy symphonic metal/Finland
Дата добавления: 2017-10-23
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Просмотров: 654
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Turku town library, Finland.
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