Jingle Bells

Lady Gaga - Aura - Jingle Bell Ball at The O2 Arena - Live in London 08 12 2013 Lady Gaga is a performer that always brings tears of happiness to my eyes, and she headlined the Jingle Bell Ball at The O2 Arena on December 8 2013, 4 years after I saw her play the previous JBB! Here is Lady Gaga performing "Aura," taken from her superb album "Artpop," at her first arena gig since she recovered her health. She asked if we were at the JBB 4 years ago. Yes I was, and I remember Gaga looked at us and screamed "Show me your teeth!" and I thought, "But I'm English lol!" :) Find Lady Gaga here: Artist reserves all rights, no copyright infringement intended. - Serious Sam The Second Encounter Jingle Bells

Дата добавления: 2018-03-29

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Lady Gaga - Aura - Jingle Bell Ball at The O2 Arena - Live in London 08 12 2013
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