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Michael Moore Viral Speech On Why To Vote For Trump Michael Moore says that the election of Donald Trump will be the biggest fuck you ever and it will feel good.
Michael Moore discusses why people will vote for Trump in the 2016 election. Michael explains why people are fed up and why they will vote for Trump this election. He states that it will be the biggest fuck you to career politicians, the media, the elite, and the rich. Michael Moore appears to have joined the Trump Train for the presidential election of 2016 and to make America great again. #MAGA
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For those of you that do not speak English as your primary language, here are some definitions of the terms in the video:
Racist - when someone believes that a race is superior to another. It is an overused term these days since racism in the US is at a much lower rate than what the media likes to show. In the video you will see a picture of Hillary Clinton who said that she brings hot sauce in her bag wherever she goes. She said this to a group of black talk show hosts to appease them since many black people like hot sauce. Now that is an example of racism or what you would call soft bigotry. Hillary Clinton is well known for her soft bigotry of low expectations when it comes to blacks in the US.
Rednecks - a derogatory term used to talk about poor white people. This has been used during the election campaign of the Democratic party to refer to Trump supporters. For the most part, it has failed since most Trump supporters are good, hardworking, family oriented, patriotic citizens.
Tariff - a tax placed on imported goods. The US used to have tariffs to help control the trade, but they are no longer commonly used. Trump will bring back tariffs for those companies abusing the system in the US.
Music to the ears - this is an idiom that means when something sounds good. In this example, the words that Trump says are uplifting and give the US voters real hope. This is why people are voting for Trump and why he will win the election.
Brexit States - Brexit is the term used for the vote for the UK to leave the European Union. In the US there are states that feel like the globalists have taken over and they will vote for Donald Trump. They will do this to move away from a one world government type of control. This is similar to people in the UK who voted to move away from the control of the EU that did not serve the interests of the people.
Beaten down - similar to when one repeatedly hits a dog. It is given in this example as the people who have nearly lost it all including their pride. The corrupt system and politicians have taken advantage of the people for too long.
Molotov Cocktail - a homemade bomb that is basic and consists of a flammable liquid in a glass bottle that is lit and thrown. The fuse is typically some sort of fabric such as a shirt.
Obamacare - a failed system that was created by pharmaceutical and other medical related companies in order to increase profits. Obama told people it would be good for them, but the reality is it was a scam to take money away from the people and enrich the corporations.
Dispossessed - when someone has been deprived of something that they own. Typically when land or property has been taken from them. In this case, the speaker is talking about the American voters who lost everything due to corrupt political conditions that caused economic issues and hardships.
Donald J. Trump - a wealthy billionaire who will become the next president of the United States by beating out a corrupt Hillary Clinton. Many of the polls are in this direction and there is a possibility that Clinton might drop out due to health reasons. It is an extremely small possibility, but we will wait and see.
The enemy of my enemy is who I am going to vote for - Michael changes the idiom “ The enemy of my enemy is my friend” to state that he is voting for Trump. Michael is part of the party that supports Hillary, but he is voting for Trump instead. The reason why is Michael’s enemy is the corrupt powers in place that have ruined the lives of many people in the US.
Joe Blow - this is an idiom that refers to the everyday male in the US. - Ringtone Maker When It Comes On Postal 2 Paradise Lost OST Рингтон
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