Full soundtrack

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 3 Full Album pt. 1 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 3 1995 soundtrack

01. 00:00 Always a Secret - Akiko Yajima
02. 04:41 Only if You Smile - Hikaru Midorikawa
03. 09:28 Brightness & Darkness - Sayuri Yamauchi
04. 14:31 It'll Be OK! - Toshihiko Seki
05. 18:54 Joy to My Life - Naoko Matsui
06. 23:00 Behind The Scenes of The Blackout
07. 24:42 Legend of Zero XXXG-00W0
08. 26:20 Hellraiser Returns
09. 27:53 The Labyrinth Called Yourself
10. 29:40 Requiem, Softly
11. 31:21 The Soldier Milliardo
12. 33:07 The Final Chapter
13. 35:08 The Eye of a Mobile Doll
14. 38:33 Secret Ambitions
15. 40:18 The Abandoned Horse of The Age

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Дата добавления: 2018-02-28

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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 3 (Full Album) pt. 1
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