Dark Guard Suite

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 1 Full Album pt. 1 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 1 1995 soundtrack

01. 00:00 The Wings of A Boy That Killed Adolescence
02. 01:54 Black Wind Invites To The Death
03. 03:42 In The Returned Blood & Smell of Gunpowder
04. 05:27 Looking For The Peace Hiding In The Corpse
05. 07:02 When Dragon Swims, Everything Ends
06. 08:40 Just Communication - Two-Mix
07. 13:01 The Curtain of The Next Chapter Is Coming Up Now
08. 14:25 Eternity & Infinity In This Hands
09. 16:45 Treize Khushrenada - The Person Who Makes History
10. 18:50 Use Coming From Darkness
11. 21:03 Can Hear The Voice Calling The Soul
12. 22:56 GW Bridge Collection I: Noble-Mindedness
13. 24:05 Soft Hair and See Through Eyes
14. 26:12 Inside of The Girl's Heart...
15. 27:42 Heard The Whispers of Stars At The Night of Moon Smiling
16. 29:16 To Beauty, To Elegance, And To Noble-Mindedness
17. 32:52 Feel Like Crossing Over That Rainbow Bridge Destiny
18. 34:23 Peace Being Broken, Time Moving Out
19. 36:35 Plot "String & Marionette
20. 38:48 Cold Bloodthirstiness

Instrumental tracks by Kow Otani - Return to Castle Wolfenstein Dark Guard Suite

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28

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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 1 (Full Album) pt. 1
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