9th Dec 2015, 4 people killed 12 wounded in Dhamar province when Saudi airstrike hits home Yemen 18+ 9th Dec 2015, 4 people killed 12 wounded in Dhamar province when Saudi led coalition strike a home in Yemen
On the morning of Wednesday, December 9th 2015, the Saudi led coalition airstrikes targeted the house of Abdul Karim Al-Bukhaiti, in the village of Almalhaa, Al Hada District in Dhamar province in Yemen. At least 4 people were killed, 1 of whom was a child, and 12 more were wounded.
This was reported as a double tap strike with the second raid targeting a paramedic who was attempting to rescue the wounded from under the rubble.
WARNING: the media below is graphic and distressing. It is placed here as evidence as war crimes to call for an independent investigation and to call on the international community to respect the Arms Treaty by stopping the supply of weapons to Saudi Arabic as they are clearly targeting civilians. - Red Alert 3 Uprising Threatened_in_Shiniga_Province
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9th Dec 2015, 4 people killed 12 wounded in Dhamar province when Saudi airstrike hits home Yemen 18+
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