in the land of the living dead

Live Below Zero - The Thaw Spring has sprung for our four Alaskan households living miles from the nearest road network in different corners of this merciless territory. After the harsh winter, breakup is under way in remote Alaska and Life Below Zero's hardy characters face a whole new set of challenges. Springtime is in many ways worse than winter, marking the start of the most taxing time of year in Alaska. Those living off the grid must work their hardest to acquire as much food and vital resources as possible before the brutal winter sets in again. Where sub-zero temperatures were winter's biggest foe, now spring bears and blood-thieving mosquitos have everyone on high alert. Snow covered mountains become a jungle of obstacles: rushing rivers, competing predators, and swarms of summer bugs all spell new challenges for the men and women who live their lives off this isolated land. - rawXman in the land of the living dead

Дата добавления: 2018-01-12

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Live Below Zero - The Thaw
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