Пришло время prod.Anno domini beats
What is the Meaning of A.D in English Urdu And Chinese | ANNO DOMINI | 3 in 1 Dictionary What is the Meaning of A.D in English Urdu And Chinese | ANNO DOMINI | 3 in 1 Dictionary
"A.D" stands for Anno Domini. Its Origin from Latin, which means “in the year of the lord” And refers specifically to the birth of Jesus Christ. In English it is common for "A.D" to precede the year
So that the translation of "A.D. 2017" would read "in the year of our lord 2017." - Под звуком игрыNFL Пришло время prod.Anno domini beats
Дата добавления: 2017-11-08
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Просмотров: 912
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What is the Meaning of A.D in English Urdu And Chinese | ANNO DOMINI | 3 in 1 Dictionary
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