VI. Intermezzo - Taivaankappaleiden kosminen tanssi [The Cosmic Dance of the Heavenly Bodies]

English: Heaven is so Real by Choo Thomas Английский: Небеса так близки по Чу Томас Do you believe heaven really exists? Choo Thomas tells a remarkable story of her encounters with Jesus Christ, where she visited heaven many times and saw hell twice. Her book, "Heaven is so Real" is more than just a book - it is Christ's loving message to a generation that has largely forgotten, misunderstood or is indifferent about Him. This book will touch your heart and soul and will challenge you to live a life of obedience and purity like you have never done before. On January 19, 1996, I woke up at 3:00 in the morning. My body was shaking...I turned my head on the pillow to look in the direction of the sound, and there, all aglow, was a figure dressed in white garments. IT WAS THE LORD...How could this be happening to me? I I began to tremble...and to weep tears of love and joy. ***...I am your Lord, and I want to talk to you. I am going to visit you many times before this work is done. The impact of His voice, His words, His message hit me with a supernatural force... Not once not twice but ten times that month, the Lord Jesus appeared by her bedside and spoke to her. Then the journey began....
- P.H.Nordgren - Taivaanvalot Anssi Hirvonen, Merja Wirkkala, Ritva Talvitie, Juha Kangas, Central Ostrobothnian Chamber Choir, Kaustinen Children\'s Choir, Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra & Finland Folk Orchestra VI. Intermezzo - Taivaankappaleiden kosminen tanssi [The Cosmic Dance of the Heavenly Bodies]

Дата добавления: 2017-10-26

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English: Heaven is so Real by Choo Thomas Английский: Небеса так близки по Чу Томас
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