Dark Athena Awaits

Oliver Nelson - The Rescue of Athena One 1974 Music clips culled from the season 1 episode of "The Six Million Dollar Man" entitled "The Rescue of Athena One" 1974 in which bionic man Steve Austin actor Lee Majors suffers from bionic limitations owing to the space environment during an operation of an astronaut but performed by Major Kelly Wood actress Farrah Fawcett and Flight Surgeon Wolf actor Paul Kent. Later on, the landing of the space capsule succeeds in and the crew at Cape Canaveral celebrates it with great enthusiasm.

Composer Oliver Nelson first writes a deeply melancolic music thanks to an analogue synthesizer coupled with a small orchestra and then a drum-oriented patriotic music to conclude. - [OST "The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena"] Gustaf Grefberg Dark Athena Awaits

Дата добавления: 2018-01-01

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