The King Is Back Theme

7 Reasons Women Don't Have The Relationship They Want So Badly This is a book of brutal truth for women, by a man. The main purpose - to help you understand why you may not be in the dream relationship you really want, and instead find yourself stuck with the guys who aren't even close to what you feel you deserve. I'm Dylan Thrasher, the toughest yet most effective Dating, Love and Relationship Coach out there. I've helped thousands of women and men find and create lasting love. I've been featured in the Boston Globe, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle,, Shape and many other notable publications. I don't hold back, and I don't give you fluff - I give you my patented dose of CHT cold, hard truth that you may or may not be ready to hear. Either way, it will help you. - OST Дон. Главарь мафии 2 Don 2 The King Is Back Theme

Дата добавления: 2018-03-11

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7 Reasons Women Don't Have The Relationship They Want So Badly
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