
Call recorder Android Samsung Galaxy TheTruthSpy gives you the ability to remotely record all phone record-call-phone/ calls made to and from the monitored phone. With TheTruthSpy, you can: - Record directly to MP3 format high quality when Incoming/Outgoing call - Record voice call in high-fidelity 44 kHz audio sampling — much better than the default sound recorder application. Unleash the true quality of your device's microphone! - Record automatic when call - Real-time MP3 recording — no more waiting - Play sound record directly applications ! - Manage existing recordings - download and delete them - Automatic stop when disk free space reaches a customizable limit - NFS No Limits OST Calling All Cars Reptile

Дата добавления: 2018-05-11

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Просмотров: 794

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Call recorder Android Samsung Galaxy
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