Oh What Have You Done

Automotive scanner
Before starting the engine, make sure that the cooling fan is in working order. The Lada car has only one cooling fan, while European cars often have two fans. The fan works at slow or high speed. This can be done in the actuator control mode. It is another option provided by the scanner: control of actuators.

First, we need to select an actuator. For example, injectors. Open or close an injector. Ignition of cylinders 1 and 4, ignition of cylinders 2 and 3. What is it? We can test a working order of the ignition module, “ask” the control unit using the scanner: please show us if there is a spark. The unit will turn on the ignition module to let us check spark existence.

Petrol pump relay. We can switch it on, too. Let’s do it, out of curiosity. You can hardly hearbut here I can clearly hear that the petrol pump has switched on. And here we can select a fan relay and check its operability. - Need For Speed - Shift__Twisted Wheel Oh What Have You Done

Дата добавления: 2017-10-08

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Automotive scanner
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