The Wonders Of You
Hypnobirthing Course - Eating Dates for Mums-to-be It's uncommon for Mums-to-be to eat spicy foods and crave for fruits during labour, but did you know that there is a sweet solution that may help you have an easier birth through eating Dates? Dates came from Date Palms which are usually found in the Middle East. Small and wrinkled, Dates contains many nutrients which can help you during birth. Dates has 23 types of Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Dietary fiber and 14 types of Fatty Acids according to the International Journal of Food and Nutrition. What else do Date fruits can offer to Mums? Through Hypnobirthing Home Study Course, you will be able to learn how eating date fruits can bring you many benefits that can make your birth much more easier, quicker, and even more comfortable.
In 2011, a study was published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, showing a result of an experiment where 69 woman ate dates everyday for 4 weeks before the day of their birth. And as a result, those women who ate dates developed a Cervix dilation higher than those who didn't eat. Which is a good thing, it means eating dates will make birthing to be much easier for you. It is reported that those who ate dates kept their membranes intact compared to those who didn't. This means that expecting mothers who ate dates had less medical intervention and has a lesser risk of infection. Also, few of those who ate dates were given synthetic Oxytocin or Pitocin.
The first stage of labour of those who ate dates are almost seven hours earlier than those who have not eaten dates. Another study mentions that eating dates will help reduce the chances of postpartum bleeding compared from those who were given Pitocin. Dates can definitely help decrease postpartum hemorrhage and it also can prevent anemia. These studies are relatively new and there are about a few more about the wonders of date fruit, but they are all optimistic and are very effective for expecting mum. In fact, many women eat date fruits to induce labour, and there are many reasons why you might need to induce your labour.
To learn more about induced labour and the use of natural birth methods, stay tuned to our blog and our podcast for a much more detailed information on having a comfortable and amazing birth. - Need For Speed 7 UnderGroung Andy Hunter The Wonders Of You
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Hypnobirthing Course - Eating Dates for Mums-to-be
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