Heavy Rain with Thunder Sounds Part 27
Roger Horn Faas - The beauty of nature Roger Horn Faas - The beauty of nature
Take a moment to notice
The beauty of the trees.
Sit and take a look
At the dancing leaves.
Note the little child
Laughing, playing with a toy.
Always so full of energy;
Humongous amounts of joy.
Don't crush the insects,
Who are 1/1000ths of your weight.
They may creep up your path,
But don't decide their fate.
Life's not about avoiding storms.
Instead, dance in the rain.
The Earth is so beautiful;
Why must we cause it pain?
Take time off your busy schedule
To glance at the starry night.
Because nature is genius.
So pretty, such a sight!
- Roger Horn Faas - Nature Lovers Heavy Rain with Thunder Sounds Part 27
Дата добавления: 2017-12-04
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