
Дурбин - WHEN APRIL SINGS Дианна Дина Дурбин Deanna Durbin исполняет песню WHEN APRIL SINGS. Из фильма Spring Parade.


Spring is here not a mere January thaw
But a little robin I saw told me it was so and so I know
Spring is here summer's near how can I tell
I know every sign of spring so very well
The countryside is green again
The world is seventeen again
My heart awakes when April sings
The skies above are blue again
The daffodils are new again
These are the joys that April brings
Songbirds are whispering down by the stream
Telling a weary world wake-up and dream
For love is new again and one and one are two again
My heart awakes when April sings - [My singing Monsters] Plant Island Oaktopus

Дата добавления: 2018-03-13

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