The Problem Is OST Fight Night Champion
Fight , Muammar! The war..!
Will rend the silence with a blast
And night
The peace and sleep
Will hunt away
Bengazi peaceful streets
That yesterday were calm...
No anymore, repose.
They fall upon your home
They let thro'
Starving rats
On dusty squares
Your children streaming blood ,
The fires burn.
Fight , Muammar!
Until the very end
The fire in thy eyes
No place to flee
Inferno in your world.
Fight , Muammar!
The Star is guiding you,
May World
Gang up on you
But verity is yours,
And you must liv... - Murs and 9th Wonder The Problem Is OST Fight Night Champion
Дата добавления: 2018-01-15
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Просмотров: 854
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