03 Mini Drama 「Just The Two of Us in The Dressing Room」
Patrick Rothfuss - The Slow Regard of Silent Things [ Epic Fantasy. Patrick Rothfuss ] Continue familiarization:
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Patrick Rothfuss - The Slow Regard of Silent Things [ Epic Fantasy. Patrick Rothfuss ]
Патрик Ротфусс - Осторожнее с бессловесными [ Эпическая фантастика. Патрик Ротфусс ]
The author's surname: Rothfuss
The author's name: Patrick
Performer: Patrick Rothfuss
Language: English
Publishing house: Penguin Group US
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Playing time: 03:40:54
First off, if you have not read both Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear don't even look at this book, go read them. Once you've read them ask yourself, "Am I interested in learning more about the character Auri?" If the answer is no then move along. If the answer is yes you then need to ask yourself if you could read a 177 page book that is nothing but character development about Auri, because that is all this book is.
As many other reviewers, and Rothfuss himself writes in the Foreword and Author's Note, this is not your typical book. Many people will not like this book. If you do not satisfy the above questions then you will not like this book unless you enjoy reading things simply for the poetic aspect of the writing. Rothfuss constantly writes how he wasn't sure what this book was, what niche it satisfies as a book. Many of the people reviewing this say the same thing, both the detractors and the fans. I, however, can tell you why I enjoyed this book: It was simply insight and character development into Auri, one of the more interesting characters in the King Killer Chronicles.
В предисловии к своей новой повести, «Осторожнее с бессловесными», Патрик Ротфусс предупреждает читателя: «Если вы не читали мои другие книги, вам не стоит начинать с этой». Другие книги, о которых он говорит – «Имя ветра» и «Страхи мудреца», первые два романа серии фэнтези-бестселлеров «Хроники убийцы короля».
И все же Ротфусс прав лишь наполовину. Да, «Осторожнее с бессловесными» не походит на введение в мир «Убийцы короля». Тем не менее, в качестве отдельного рассказа, не требующего знаний о мире, в котором все происходит, «Осторожнее» станет настоящим открытием.
The Slow Regard of Silent Things Осторожнее с бессловесными, Спокойное достоинство безмолвия
1 - The Name of the Wind April 2007
2 - The Wise Man's Fear March 2011
2,5 - The Slow Regard of Silent Things October 2014
3 - The Doors of Stone In Progress
- MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.4 Kou 03 Mini Drama 「Just The Two of Us in The Dressing Room」
Дата добавления: 2018-11-03
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Patrick Rothfuss - The Slow Regard of Silent Things [ Epic Fantasy. Patrick Rothfuss ]
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