Lies and Liars in a Mirrors Edge
Euro mirror glaze cakes Cake Master - Tatyana Stankova, Russian pastry chef
Full recipe of the cakes for 8 cakes, if you use the silicon form with diametre not more than 6 cm:
Jelly passion fruit caramel
- 4 g gelatin
- 200 gr passion fruit juice concentrate
- 50 gr sugar
-fructose syrup to taste
Soak the gelatin in water until it swell. Put the sugar in a small saucepan, put it on a medium heat and allow sugar stay melt and transform into caramel. When the caramel becomes amber color, add the boiling juice , stir, cool slightly , add gelatin, the layer is ready to be poured into portion molds, or a baking tray lined with food wrap, put in freezer until fully cured and cut into circles of desired diameter for the cake. Use the diameter less 2 centimeter than the outer diameter your cake
Chocolate sponge cake:
125 gr eggs
40 gr vegetable oil
50 grams milk
5 g baking powder
15 grams of dark chocolate
80 gr flour
95 g sugar
Mix the dry ingredients
Beat the eggs, sugar, butter, milk and add the melted chocolate, put into the mix dry mix ingredients, knead the dough, spread on a wide baking tray lined with foil in a thickness of not more than 0, 5 cm, it will rise, bake at 160 g to about 10-12 minutes depends on your oven , when it will be ready , cut out circles with a diameter whuch must match the diameter of the gelatin layer.
Mousse on dark chocolate:
2 eggs
200 grams of chocolate
400 g cream
8 gr of gelatin
50 grams of sugar
20 gr cream
Whip the 400 gr of heavy cream, place to the refrigerator, beat eggs with sugar, add the chocolate into 20 gr of boiling heavy cream, then add swollen gelatin, stir until smooth and add to egg mixture, stir the cream carefully into chocolate - egg mixture and mix it with the cool heavy cream
Mirror icing the classic recipe
150 g of glucose syrup
150gr of white chocolate
150 gr of sugar
75 gr water
100 g condensed milk
10 g sheet gelatin
Soak gelatin water in proportion 1 g gelatin - 6 g of water
150 g of glucose syrup mix with water, sugar and put on a low heat to 103 degrees
Into the blender container place the chocolate, condensed milk, gelatinous mass, pour the cooked syrup , use the desired dye, wait a little bit until the mass will stay melt, break all the mass using blender by placing it completely in a glaze mass , to avoid bubbles in the glaze, finished glaze, cover it with plastic food wrap place in the refrigerator for 12 hours, then heated to 30-32 degrees, break the blender and use. Remaining glaze can be stored frozen and reused when needed.
The number of ingredients can be used for 8 cakes made in silicone moulds with a diameter of 6 cm
The Assembly of the cakes:
cakes can be collected as to the special silicone forms or split rings with side tape and covered the bottom with food wrap.
On the bottom of the form pour some mousse, put in the freezer for about 5 minutes , take out, put in the center of the mousse gelatin layer, pour the mousse, leaving little space for sponge layer in the mousse, it will be the base of the cake. Cover the top of the form with food wrap and put in freezer for 8 hours until complete freezing. Take out the finished cakes from the form and put in jail for pouring glaze. The casting process You will see in my new video. - Monsters Will Eat You Lies and Liars in a Mirrors Edge
Дата добавления: 2019-01-03
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