That's How We Go NfS World OST [Volume]

How We Got to Now Discover the little known innovators and their wild ideas, whose breakthroughs really made the modern world possible, in this fascinating and entertaining series which charts the twists and turns of history, science, business and technology that have brought us to where we are today. With an exciting blend of location filming, imaginative graphics and stylish action sequences, each episode takes a familiar part of everyday life and examines it with fresh eyes. How We Got to Now unpicks the web of ideas and innovation that made each of our ‘modern miracles’ possible, revealing the intense rivalries, astounding fortunes made and lost, terrible disappointments and moments of heroic achievement along the way. Presented by innovation expert Steven Johnson, this inspirational series shows how great ideas happen as it conveys the timely message that we need more of them. - Mick Gordon That's How We Go NfS World OST [Volume]

Дата добавления: 2017-12-31

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How We Got to Now
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