Delict Armageddon Riders OST
Armageddon Talk The largey suppressed very limited distriution and award-winning Israeli documentary, The Gatekeepers, in which several former heads of Shin Bet Israel\'s internal security agency are highly critical of the direction Israel has gone in, since radical Zionists gained policy-guiding influence in policy matters regarding Arabs in general and the Palestinians in particular.
Though you can find excerpts from the film on YouTube now see, for instance: The scene depicted here is always censored. I have tried several times to upload to YouTube only to have it cut.
What is cut is the Shin Bet allegation that radical Zionists had a plan to blow up the Dome of the Rock, not only to piss off Muslims, but to bring about Armageddon. These are the same people relentlessly expanding settlements in the West Bank.
I make copyright claim on this tiny excerpt. And it is released here purely for educational purposes. - Mauler Delict Armageddon Riders OST
Дата добавления: 2018-01-15
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Просмотров: 863
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