To Those Who Kill OST Far Cry 2

7th Jun '15, 53 civilians killed 210 injured by Saudi airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen 18+ On the 7th June 2015, the Saudi led coalition airstrikes targeted the Headquarters of Public Leadership in Sanaa which, was located in a densely populated area. The airstrikes destroyed nearby houses and shops. It is reported that those who went to help with rescue efforts were then targeted with further raids as there were 6 raids in total. The Legal Center for Rights and Development based in Sanaa reported 53 civilians killed and 210 others injured.

Warning: this video is graphic and distressing. It is placed here as evidence to call on the UN to launch and independent inquiry and to call upon Western governments to honour the arms treaty by stopping the supply of weapons to Saudi Arabia. - Marc Canham To Those Who Kill OST Far Cry 2

Дата добавления: 2018-03-14

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7th Jun '15, 53 civilians killed 210 injured by Saudi airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen 18+
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